spring/summer 2022 SEEDS FOR SALE
We have lots of lovely new & exciting seeds for sale. Scroll down to view images showing the full selection plus additional information about the Trading Hut.

THE TRADING HUT IS OPEN 10am - 12 midday / Saturday & Sunday
The work of the volunteers and the running of the Trading Hut and Greenhouses is managed by the Trading Secretary – this post is currently held by Theo who is a member of the Management Committee.
The Trading Hut has a long history of providing seeds and compost plus pretty well everything else you might need for growing vegetables. A big seller is the organic compost bags plus the vegetable seeds at discounted prices.
We are open for most of the year at the weekend from 10 to 12 am. The main opening day is Sunday but, during busy periods, we are also open on Saturdays. There is a notice board outside the shop giving the opening times for the month. We are normally closed in August, the last two weeks in November, and December – opening again for the new year on Rent Collection Days on the first two Sundays in January
The greenhouses are part of the Trading Hut activities where Theo is ably assisted by a team of dedicated volunteers who help with sowing, potting on and watering. Each year we grow thousands of vegetable plants to sell to plot holders in the spring and early summer. The price is low – lower than in garden centers – the quality is good and the money raised from sales goes to fund other activities on the allotments.
Seeds & Canes
Country Natural well rotted manure
Multipurpose and Seed compost
Watering Cans & Water Butts